
加圧土槽を用いたN 値の評価および模型杭の鉛直載荷試験結果の検証(AIJ技術報告集2013)

石川一真(関西大学大学院・ジャパンパイル)・ 伊藤淳志(関西大学環境都市工学部建築学科)・小椋仁志(ジャパンパイル)・下平祐司((一財)日本建築総合試験所)

■掲載誌:日本建築学会技術報告集 Vol.19, No.41, pp.107-112

The N -value of soil in the pressurized sand tank was necessary for comparing the results of loading test on model pile and actual pile. The relationships between relative density after pressurizing the soil, vertical loading pressure and the N -value were obtained from the standard penetration test in the tank.
Using these relationships, the relationship between the bearing capacity of the model pile and the N -value was determined. By comparing this relationship with similar relationships obtained from the loading tests of actual pile, the results of model loading test using the tank and those of the standard penetration test were validated.

